Meticulous web developer with hands-on experience and keenness for responsive website design and a firm believer in the mobile-first approach.
A responsive and beautiful landing page built using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion to create an engaging and responsive user experience.
A blog publication app built with NextJs and sourced from GitHub. Now no need to use a CMS, writers can maintain their articles in a GitHub repository as Markdown files & the app will show all the …
A REST-API to get pinned repos and related data of any GitHub user.
This is a fully functional Amazon Clone. You can add Register and Sign-in to the app. Then add products to the cart and checkout using stripe payments.
This is a fully functional Google Drive Clone. You can log in using your Google account. Then upload files to the drive and view or open them.
A Portfolio website showing blogs from using their GraphQL API and pinned projects from a GitHub Profile using a custom made web scraping REST API.
A fully functional Whatsapp Clone where you can Sign-in to the app with your Google Account and create a new room or open an existing room. Then send messages and communicate with others in the room.